Symposium on Diversity, Inclusion & Social Justice

Each spring, the Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion hosts the Symposium on Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice. Launched in 2019, this symposium serves as an “institutional examen” – a time to look inwardly at who we are and who we are called to be. In a dialogic process, we explore discrimination at the intersections of race, gender and sexuality, discuss how we are working to address these issues, and offer a vision for the future of equity and inclusion at Marquette. The purpose of the university, and especially the Jesuit university, is to be a convener of difficult conversation and a leader for social justice action. As such, this forum helps prepare us to have challenging intellectual discourse and refresh our values as an institution.

The sixth annual Symposium is tentatively scheduled for April 30, 2025.

For questions, please contact Jacki Black, director for Hispanic initiatives and diversity & inclusion educational programming.


Past keynote addresses

2024: Dr. Kaye Whitehead, "We Can Be the Bridge: Creating an Intentional and Beloved Community"

2023: William Critchley-Menor, S.J., "People Are More Important Than Ideas: An Approach to Historical Reckoning"

2019: Dr. Grant Silva, “On the Epistemology of Diversity: Decolonizing ‘Difference’ in Academia Today”